Im Neuenheimer Feld 672
69120 Heidelberg
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69120 Heidelberg
Heidelberg University Hospital (UKHD) with its 43 specialized clinical and theoretical departments is one of the leading medical centers in Europe. New methods of diagnosis and treatment at the forefront of biomedical science are constantly developed for the benefit of patients.
The Institute of Human Genetics consists of the Department of Human Genetics including the genetic policlinic and the Department of Human Molecular Genetics, where this project will be located. The focus of the research interest of the Department of Human Molecular Genetics is on the molecular elucidation of human disease with a special focus on developmental disorders regarding human height, cardiac and neuronal diseases. To uncover the basic mechanisms on the causes of these disorders, our work employs different cell culture and animal models including human induced pluripotent stem cells. We aim to understand how mutations correlate with disease, how genes are regulated and how they contribute to differentiation and development. By integrating genetic, molecular, biochemical and cell biological approaches, the basic understanding and function of candidate genes and their roles in the relevant networks will be established.
Dr. Simone Berkel is a molecular geneticist and heads a junior research group at the Department of Molecular Human Genetics. She is the leader of PRIME Work Package 3 (WP3) which focuses on mechanism validation and refinement in human iPSC-derived neurons, a member of the PRIME Steering Committee and the PRIME internal Ethics Advisory board.
UKHD declares no conflict of interest in PRIME.
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